Creating restaurants within schools
Culinera are delighted to work with Wendover CE Junior School to provide the catering within the school restaurant, in partnership with John Colet School.
Within this website you can find out everything you need to know about this terms food, special events and how to contact us.
We look forward to welcoming you to the restaurant.
Team Culinera

Special diet or allergy?
If you are happy to order a suitable dish from our published menu and the school are aware of your child's special diet, then you don't need to do anything. If you need a special menu or the school are not aware of your childs allergies or intolerances please complete the form below.
Ordering online?
Meals can be ordered up to 8am each day through ParentPay. If you require a login for ParentPay, please speak to the school office. You can order meals up to 7 weeks in advance. If your child is ill or absent from school you must cancel meals through ParentPay, or you will still be charged.
About Culinera
Culinera is the newest and freshest independently owned, education focussed caterer in the South of England. We are here to bring you the very best in all things; from ingredients, to training, to management.
We are here to disrupt the norm and redefine what adding value actually means. The Culinera team are fed up with catering companies deliver average catering and schools having to settle for this. We believe that greater focus should be given to creating exceptional experiences by creating the very best dishes in restaurant standard settings.
We do this through, where possible, local sourcing, British ingredients and engaging with every single stakeholder. Our ambition is that you choose to eat with us, day in and day out.

© 2023 Culinera Limited. All Rights Reserved.